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ORHS Foundation
The Foundation takes our school's dreams and makes them a reality. Oak Ridge is a better school because of the Foundation.
Aaron Palm - Principal
Media Equipment
Art Media Program
The ORHS Foundation has been instrumental in making sure that our Art Media program has state of the industry equipment. As a result, our students have been able to create powerful video projects that spotlight Oak Ridge excellence while also allowing them receiving real-world industry experience.
Kevin Balzer - Art Media teacher
FInch Robots and Electronic Tablets
Computer Science
With the Finch robots, my AP Computer Science students can create programs and receive instant and visual feedback. The students are engaged and eager to write software that brings to life the abstract concepts of coding. Developing Android apps on the Nexus 7 tablets gets students excited about coding.Learning to code teaches students how to be better thinkers and problem solvers.
Stephanie Allen - Teacher AP Computer Science
Electronic Note Books
History Department
The donation from the Foundation has transformed my classroom. My students have made fantastic gains in developing 21st Century skills such as being strong consumers of information and the importance of collaboration, work ethic, and professionalism. I am very thankful for the support the Oak Ridge Foundation has provided!
Erin Arthur - History Teacher
FInch Robots
AP Computer Sciences
Using the Finch robots really helps. Actually seeing what we are doing makes a HUGE difference in understanding the concepts.
Elliot Kirk - AP Computer Science Student
Mobile Computer Labs
Science Department
The ORHS Science department has benefited greatly from the donation of an abundance of technology which has included two mobile computer labs and a mobile tablet lab. This technology has allowed us to show scientific processes in action and further engage students with in depth and hands on learning. We are very grateful for the work the Foundation has done to support Oak Ridge High School.
Casey Rhyan - Science Teacher
Music Risers
Choir Department
Thanks to the Foundation we now have more practical and safer music risers. We now have enough space for all the singers to stand together and we have more rehearsal time because we spend less time moving equipment. We take more pride in our performances, knowing we have enough room for all the singers to stand and that the sturdier construction is safer.
Natalie Miller - Choral Director